Information for potential and current suppliers

We have the claim of offering our customers the best solutions and of being one of the most innovative and important players in the market. For this reason, we look for long-term business relationships with suppliers in a reliable, honest and fair partnership.

Together, we can take advantage of our opportunities and further optimise the procurement. We continuously adapt to customer wishes and market conditions. For this purpose, we require partners who are ready to establish new goals with us and initiate change.

Product groups

You can see an overview of the production materials which Winkhaus purchases here.


Unser webbasiertes Lieferantenportal dient dem Austausch von Zeichnungen, Anfragen und Angeboten sowie zur transparenten Lieferantenbeurteilung. Hier gelangen Sie zu einem passwortgeschützten Bereich. Zugang haben nur Lieferanten, die bei uns registriert sind.

Zylinder Schlüssel Beschläge


Sie möchten sich als Lieferant bewerben? Bitte füllen Sie zunächst den Bewerbungsbogen aus. Hier fragen wir grundsätzliche Informationen zu Ihrem Unternehmen ab und stellen sicher, dass Sie bei uns den richtigen Ansprechpartner erreichen.


Hier finden Sie alle Dokumente, die Ihnen im Bereich Einkauf zur Verfügung stehen.

Frau schreibt am Notebook

Returnable container system

Winkhaus works to preserve resources and the environment. In order to be able to eliminate disposable packaging, we use a returnable container system for procurement and sales.
In doing so, we collaborate with our logistics partner Comepack.
The basis of the Comepack system is a circuit of reusable and standardised pool containers, predominantly C-KLT 6421 and 4321. Winkhaus suppliers report their estimated sales for empties to Comepack by filling in data sheet D0 and send it via fax to Comepack. They then receive a preprinted order with a customer number.
Comepack supplies the containers within 5 work days of receiving the order and charges the supplier according to the prices agreed upon with Winkhaus. The supplier fills the load carrier with the sales parts and sends them to the Winkhaus plants. The supplier charges Winkhaus the purchase price of the container.
After the load carriers are emptied, they are sent to the Comepack depot for cleaning and are returned to the container pool. Comepack charges Winkhaus directly for this service.

Winkhaus Leergutkreislauf Comepack Nachhaltigkeit