Aug. Winkhaus GmbH & Co. KG
August-Winkhaus-Str. 31
48291 Telgte
Register for training
02. - 04.07.2024
Beginning: 9:00 a.m.
End: 2:00 p.m.
€ 689.00 net per person
Content of basic and advanced training
Basic information on windows and fittings setup
o Dimensions of profiles, cross-sections, designs, DIN representations
o DIN 68121, weight classes, maintenance, window requirements
o Fitting components, technical requirements, environmental factors
Weak points and design features of burglary-resistant windows and doors
o Design criteria: Wall connection, rebate area, frame
o Glass connection, weak points
o Wood types, profile cross-sections, fittings, glazing, weather protection rails
o Blocking, backing, installation, screw connections
o Steel insert, airgap
Security retrofitting of doors, windows and other building openings with product presentation, recommendation for use and installation process
o DIN/VdS-tested window and door security devices
o Locking keeps
o Security fittings (door plates) with anti-pulling protection
o Profile locking cylinders
o Additional locks with closing bow
o Crossbar locks, reinforced bar locks
o Additional rim locks
o Anti-prying device
o Cellar shaft security
o Installation of various retrofit products
DIN 18104–1 installation guidelines, security guidelines and principles of fastening technology
o Installation of various retrofit products
o Building materials, fastening systems, support mechanisms
o Stresses, types of failure, installation instructions
o Fastening anchors, composite mortar, expansion anchors
o Through bolts
Reference to standards and guidelines for burglary resistance in windows, doors and other building openings
o VdS guidelines for mechanical safety systems
o DIN 18104 Part 1: Screw-on retrofit products
o DIN 18252 (DIN 18254): Profile cylinders for door locks
o DIN 18257 (DIN EN 1906): Security fittings for residential entrance doors
o DIN ENV 1627 et seq.: Test conditions/resistance classes
Standards and test requirements for burglary-resistant components
o Development of standards in recent years
o AhS guideline RAL RG 607/13: Fitting test, test procedures, police recommendations
o DIN V 18054: Old standard for burglary resistance, replacement of new pre-standard
o DIN (V) ENV 1627-1630: Static, dynamic, manual tests
System security thanks to modular fitting system
o Security fittings for all materials and window constructions
o Modular configuration through retrofitting and replacement of all safety components up to RC2
o Structure and explanation of the locking systems
o Assembly and use of fitting instructions and catalogues
o Fitting composition exercise (theoretical)
Procedure for retrofitting windows and doors
o Property inspection, recording of actual condition, profile determination, year of construction
o Decision on retrofit products
o Retrofitting service according to DIN 18104-2
o Work steps for converting fitting components, tools
o Checklists, installation instructions and aids
o Installation certificate for end user protection
o Planning manual
o Ordering
o Reference to comprehensive state police documents
Basic and advanced training invitation
Einladung Fortbildung Nachrüsten
Seminaranmeldung Fortbildung Nachrüsten
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